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David Roddenberry

MA, RMHCI – Florida Community Liason

Marissa Halstead Affordable Christian Counseling


  • behavioral & substance addiction
  • relationship betrayal & repair
  • existential/identity issues
  • blended families
  • anger & control issues
  • emotional regulation
  • phase of life & transition issues
  • couples/relationships
  • premarital counseling (SYMBIS certified)
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • men’s issues
  • EMDR trained


Client focus


  • seniors (65+)
  • adults (18+)
  • teens (14-17)
  • preteens (11-13)
  • older children (8-10)

counseling type

  • couples
  • premarital
  • families

“You’re right where you’re supposed to be.” – Michael Highsmith (my father-in-law). This has become a life mantra for me because God always has me right where I’m supposed to be.

Philosophy and Therapeutic Approach

As a follower of Jesus, I am commanded to do two things above all others, (1) love God with all my heart, soul, and mind and (2) love my neighbor as myself (Matthew 22:37-39). These words from Jesus are the foundation of my counseling philosophy and therapeutic approach. My greatest responsibility as your counselor is to emulate the love of Jesus. I do that by meeting you where you are today. Your past mistakes, fears, and self-doubts, along with your dreams, hope, and God given strengths are all part of your unique story. I am in your corner and will walk alongside you as we begin to put in the work required to create positive change.

Beyond building a trusting environment, each client’s needs are unique which informs my counseling approach. You are the expert of your own life and I take great joy in combining your needs with a proven counseling method that will work. You also get the benefit of being a part of the Cornerstone family. I care about providing competent, ethical, and proven methods in counseling sessions and at Cornerstone I am surrounded with the resources and expertise needed to meet your goals.

What to Expect in Therapy

Your therapy journey started the moment you realized a change must occur and that you need help. So, congratulations on getting the hard stuff out of the way! I believe change is one of the hardest, yet most rewarding experiences you will endure in this life. Like all difficult tasks, it requires hard work. Therapy with me will be no different, it will require hard work on both of our parts. The focus of our sessions will be to resolve the problems that brought you into counseling. For some, this will be a quick process. For others, it will be a longer journey. In either scenario, you have the God given strength to bring about the change you want to see. I will help you find that strength.

Most of us have experienced pain caused by others at some point during our life. Our sessions will explore this past hurt and help you make peace with those who have caused you pain. Most of us have also caused our own fair share of pain to our loved ones. Our sessions will help you own those mistakes and realize that they do not define the person God is calling you to become. Regardless of the reason for seeking therapy, we will work together to find solutions that help improve your life. My prayer when you leave our sessions is that you have hope and a plan. Oh, and that you laughed at least once – life is fun and counseling should be too

Personal Qualifications and Experience

I believe my greatest qualification is that I was a counseling client long before I realized God was calling me to be a counselor. My life had reached a point where I needed help. In my darkest days, solely through God’s grace, I was introduced to a Christian counselor who helped me find the strength to pick up the pieces of my life. While I do not know what you are currently going through, I do know the fear and uncertainty of realizing that I’m a broken person who needs help.

I completed a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Liberty University. As a student, I completed my practicum and internship at Clay Behavioral Health Center where I worked as an addiction and dual diagnosis counselor. I have an excellent understanding of the addiction cycle as well as the tools that can help break the cycle. In this environment, I was given the opportunity to walk alongside clients experiencing severe mental health conditions and help them work through the trauma that contributed to their condition. When it comes to addiction, I believe that you’re not responsible for your disease, but you are responsible for your recovery. It was amazing to get to witness people change. 

Prior to becoming a Counselor, I spent 20+ years in the U.S. Army as an NCO and Officer. My career was spent in the Intelligence Community where I was able to create some pretty cool memories over the years. I also have extensive training in leadership and understand the qualities needed to become a leader in your own life and family. However, I believe the greatest strength I bring from the Army is my love of people. I had people who loved me when I needed it most and I am getting to pay that love forward as I move on to the counseling profession.

Personal Interests

I’m seriously the luckiest guy in the world! I have a wife that is far prettier and cooler than I deserve, and she loves Jesus. She also loves me for some reason (maybe she needs counseling)! We have five kids, two who have moved out on their own and three who are still at home. Our youngest recently turned 16, so we are no longer a taxi service – praise God. We also just found out that we have a grandson on the way which is going to be a blast.

I love books! This includes nerdy fantasy novels. If you know who Kaladin Stormblessed, Hadrian Blackwater, or Rezkin are we need to talk. I attribute 90% of my useful knowledge to books. If I say something profound in our time together, chances are I read it in a book. Second to books is music. My wife and I are avid concert goers! Our favorite band is The Avett Brothers. If you love lyrics, there are none better!

I’m also a native Floridian. We are a dying breed and I love the fact that I have called Florida home my entire life. I grew up in Polk County (central Florida) and with that comes a love of sports, the woods, and the water. I have scored a touchdown, hit a homerun, got a truck stuck in the mud, and broke a bone on a wakeboard!     

All fun aside, my greatest interest is Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Throughout the beauty and chaos of my life, it is Jesus who has been the constant. It is through His Grace alone that I am enjoying this wonderful life I have been given.

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair (Isaiah 61:1-3, NIV).

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