Weeks of cancelled school, work, and activities–a major disruption in our normal routine. Suddenly, we’re battling major anxiety, fear, and grief. Our life, and our thoughts, don’t feel quite like our own.
In this season of uncertainty, we all find ourselves responding and living in ways that seem outside of our “normal.”
Our patience is thinner, our confidence is shakier, and our worries are bigger. We begin to feel like we’ve somehow lost our footing, and ourselves, as we scramble for a new normal.
We would be wise not to downplay the seriousness of what is affecting our world and nation right now. But when the uncertainty lasts and the scramble begins to make us weary, we must change our focus from the fear, to the truth.
We have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7).
How do we have a sound mind during turbulent times? There are many small ways to keep our wits about us…but if we in the counseling world could share just a few of the most powerful insights we’ve gleaned from years of helping our clients navigate the most difficult seasons, it might be these:
1. I have the power to control the way that I think.
2. I am capable and resilient.
3. I can be cautious, while still being kind.
4. I can sit in the unknown, without living in fear.
Over the next 4 weeks, we will join together and intentionally focus on each one. Ways we can Biblically, compassionately, and honestly anchor our minds during a season of unknowns.
The truth is, we are all going to do our best to navigate this time. May we remember to encourage and uplift each other when the anxiety weighs heavily, and when we respond in less-than-loving ways to the people we love the most.
And may we keep our wits about us, and remember we are loved.
To always journeying together,
Are you anxious, worried, and stuck at home? We would love to set you up with one of our professional therapists (we have online counseling options). Feel free to explore our website and read through some of our therapist’s bios. Give us a call with your questions at 303-902-3068 or email us at info@christiancounselingco.com.