3 Signs You’re Done with Counseling

3 Signs You’re Done with Counseling

There are so many blogs and tips on how to know when it’s time to start therapy, but what about when to end therapy? How do we know when we are done with counseling, would benefit from a break, or need to switch therapists? Read on to find out! 3 Signs You’re Done...
How To Turn Off Your Emotions

How To Turn Off Your Emotions

Have you ever wondered how to turn off your emotions?  I know I have. Not all of them, mind you, just the ones I really don’t like feeling! But when asking God to turn them off I learned something that made me pause. I learned how emotions serve us.  They are our...
Dear Future Christian Counseling Interns

Dear Future Christian Counseling Interns

Dear Future Christian Counseling Interns, So, you’re looking to find a clinical counseling internship site. Not just any site, but one that will be the perfect fit for you. Graduation is right around the corner, so this is kind of a big deal! You’re finally going to...