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Ali Denny


ali denny cornerstone christian counseling


  • anxiety
  • depression
  • trauma
  • divorce/separation
  • grief/loss
  • interpersonal/communication issues
  • life transitions
  • spiritual direction
  • church hurt
  • women’s issues
  • CPT-trained
  • prepare/enrich certified


Client focus


  • seniors (65+)
  • adults (18+)
  • teens (14-17)
  • preteens (11-13)
  • older children (8-10)
  • young children (5-7)

counseling type

  • individuals
  • couples
  • premarital
  • families

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet water. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” – Psalm 23:1-4

“If it was easy, everyone would do it.” – Matt Redding (My Daddy)

Philosophy and Therapeutic Approach

We are all in different walks of life, and as a Christian, I know that God meets us where we are in our personal walks with Him. As a counselor, my goal is to meet you where you are on your own walk.

On this side of Heaven, we face many trials and tribulations. However, because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross, we know that death has been defeated and sin has lost its sting. We live in anticipation of Christ’s return, for a new heaven and a new earth. The day will come when there will be no more sin, death, sickness, disease, or tears, for He has wiped it all away. In the meantime, we can live with the hope and assurance that He is with us. 

My therapeutic approach is to help bring healing and restoration to the pain experienced in your present life.  I know the difficulty of walking through life hurting and afraid, but I also know the relief of being met and heard right where you are at in that pain and fear. To ensure you feel met and heard in session, I listen empathically and integrate evidence-based techniques while also focusing on biblical principles.

What to Expect in Therapy

Your therapy sessions with me are a safe space where you can be yourself without judgment.  The intent is for you to leave our sessions knowing your story matters. Therapy can be challenging and opening up does not come easily. To help you feel as comfortable as possible, I will meet you with warmth, patience, and compassion.

In our initial sessions, we will get to know one another and you will be able to express why you have sought out therapy.  We will then come up with goals you desire to accomplish by the end of therapy. Therapy goals, modalities, and other factors will determine the length of your counseling journey.

Whether we bring God into the counseling process is a decision that is completely up to you and will align with your needs and wants.  If you desire to include prayer and/or scripture in session, I am more than happy to incorporate both.

Personal Qualifications and Experience

I am a Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern in the state of Florida, CPT- Trauma trained, and a Prepare/Enrich Premarital and Marriage Assessment Facilitator. In 2008, I graduated from Jacksonville University with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Marketing. In 2013, I graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling.   

Upon completing my undergraduate degree in Marketing and entering the workforce, I quickly realized that it was not something I was truly passionate about.  I pivoted to subbing at a private school, coaching soccer, and leading a church bible study for high schoolers. I saw the pain in those around me and wanted to be able to help them biblically, theologically, and clinically. That desire led to me choose Dallas Theological Seminary’s counseling program.  

While earning my degree, I served my practicum term at Baylor Family Medicine at Worth Street where I counseled patients referred from the doctors onsite, and completed an additional practicum with The Ludden Group. I have provided counseling in a variety of capacities including private practice, testing in nursing homes, psychotherapy, IQ testing, and diagnostic interviews/reports.

While pursuing my master’s degree, I worked part-time at a local church where I was responsible for the development of the middle school community, which involved co-organizing camps, retreats, mission trips, and bible studies.

Personal Interests

I am a Florida native who grew up in Ponte Vedra Beach.  I love finding shark’s teeth on the beach and the weather right before a storm is about to hit. Growing up, I played competitive soccer, basketball, and danced. I am a Florida State Seminole fan, Go Noles! 

After college, I married my husband, Mat, with whom I share two kids –  a sporty 9 year old son and a beautiful 5 year old daughter who loves all things animals. We have two yorkies named Louis and Ranger who we adore. I love watching my kids participate in anything they are passionate about and cherish the time we spend together as a family. We love our yearly getaway trips to North Carolina where we can hike, ski, explore, and enjoy cooler weather.

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“Because of the tender mercy of our God, with which the sunrise from on high will visit us, to shine on those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” – Luke 1:78-79

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