Guard Your Heart

“Be still, and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10 “Above all else,  guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” – Proverbs 4:23 They say a picture is worth a thousand words and if you are lucky enough to have met my...

Love is a command of action

As I sat down and opened God’s Word this morning my heart was struck by a new perspective on love. To be honest, my take on the word “Love” led to thoughts of mushy Hallmark cards, perfume, and girl talk.  Men respond to ‘Respect’, not...

I feel loved when…

Recently my husband has started helping me pack lunches for the kiddos for school and I have felt adored by him through this one activity.  He probably doesn’t even realize the significance of it for me, and to be honest with you, it has taken me awhile to totally...

Slow Down

You know those weeks where life just kind of hands it to you?  Yeah.  It’s been one of those. I don’t have to go into all the details, and really, there are multiple blog posts that I could write and that could be tied to counseling (and perhaps my need...


Someone asked me once why we need to resolve conflict.  After all, it’s much easier to just stop seeing the person who is viewed as causing all the pain or the problems. To cut him or her out of your life.  To file for divorce. As Christians, however, we believe that...