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Cathleen Olney


cathleen olney


  • navigating life changes and transitions (incl. career change)
  • dating and singleness
  • divorce recovery
  • caring for elderly loved ones
  • blended families/co-parenting teens
  • recovery from narcissistic (and BPD) abuse
  • adult children of alcoholics /family of origin
  • addiction recovery (a friend of AA)
  • identity formation/self-esteem issues
  • marriage/couples counseling
  • premarital counseling (Cathleen is SYMBIS certified)
  • Christian spiritual direction and formation
  • trauma counseling (Cathleen is trained in brainspotting)


Client focus


  • teenagers
  • adults (18+)
  • seniors (65+)

counseling type

  • individuals 
  • premarital 
  • couples
  • family
Certified Brainspotting Practitioner (Christian Counseling)
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Philosophy and Therapeutic Approach

You know there’s a problem, but you can’t figure out what is going wrong or why it keeps happening. Something has to change, but you don’t know what or how. Or perhaps you know exactly what needs to change and how to do it, but something inside of you keeps stopping or sabotaging your efforts to move forward. This may describe your love life, career, or relationships with your friends, children, or parents. This may be the cause of an addiction or other unhelpful behavior, or struggle with clutter around your home.

When we are young, we make fundamental decisions about who we are, the world around us, and how we will survive in it. While these may serve us well as children, they often don’t bring us the results we want once we become adults. We can be blind to these paradigms, yet they run our lives. My goal is to help clients discover and examine these hidden beliefs and improve or replace those which need to change. I believe that once we are unencumbered by the shackles of the past, we are free to design and execute the present and future we desire.

What to Expect in Therapy

Just like any other relationship, therapy begins with getting to know you and building trust. I want to hear your story and get to know your goals and dreams, as well as the monsters living under your bed. There is no standard approach to therapy, but you could think of me as your travel guide. You tell me the kind of adventure you seek or the destination (if you know it), and I’ll help you find the best trail. You set the pace and decide your preferences. There are many paths from which to choose, and some are slower (but more comfortable) than others. If you don’t like the one we’re on, we can change it.

Some people avoid therapy because they are afraid of what may come up when they dig into the past or allow themselves to experience feelings they have tucked away. That’s fair! Unfortunately, avoiding our feelings and/or past may keep us unnecessarily trapped in miserable situations for years. We can unintentionally recreate toxic dynamics because something deep inside us wants resolution. Facing things with a skilled therapist can help put the past to rest and bring freedom to the present and future.

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” Isaiah 43:18, 19 (ESV).

Personal Qualifications and Experience

Many years ago (after far too many years beating my head into a wall), I participated in a personal development program which changed my life. I was able to see the paradigms which had been wrecking my life for decades. As I embraced the work, my life improved. I sought other ways to slay the dragons in my past. As each one fell, my life improved significantly. For me, exploration never ends. This inspired me to pursue a career in the counseling field.

I graduated from Denver Seminary with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and I am a member of the psychological honor society, Chi Sigma Iota, Delta Sigma Lamda chapter. In 2017, I graduated summa cum laude from Colorado Christian University with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Biblical Studies. I served as the volunteer director for a singles ministry at a local church and published a book called Dating, Sex and Jesus. I have worked for a local substance abuse program, Mental Health Center of Denver, and the Salvation Army.

I am well versed in the Alcoholics Anonymous “Big Book” as well as the “Big Red Book” of Adult Children of Alcoholics. I have great respect for 12-Step programs and anyone who has the courage to face substance abuse and ask for help. I enjoy counseling both married couples and individuals. I enjoy helping others navigate caring for their loved ones as life becomes increasingly complicated.

Personal Interests
I am an avid gardener and enjoy dancing, walking, pickleball, and having all sorts of adventures with my friends. I love spending time with God in His creation and being constantly amazed at His brilliant engineering and unsurpassable and constant love. I have two beautiful adult daughters, one son-in-law, and two amazing grandchildren, all whom I see as often as possible. I live with and care for my elderly father who has dementia. I love reading non-fiction, listening to informative podcasts, and watching an occasional documentary. There is always something new to learn!
check out blogs written by Cathleen Olney

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. – C.S. Lewis

Hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny. – C.S. Lewis

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