

“For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.” (Psalm 22:28)

That title got your attention, didn’t it? You are not alone. It seems like the vast majority of our nation is confused and frustrated by the current political atmosphere. I know I am. But, I read an article in Relevant Magazine recently and was struck by something the author wrote:

“Political discourse is the Las Vegas of Christianity—the environment in which our sin is excused. Hate is winked at, fear is perpetuated and strife is applauded. Go wild, Christ-follower. Your words have no consequences here” (Bryan Roberts).

Obviously this is an intense few sentences, and there is a hint of sarcasm in the writer’s statement, but an important point is being made… we must stop our divisive speech in our various places of influence (i.e. Facebook) regarding this election. If you perpetually post anti-Trump or anti-Clinton videos and articles, chances are that many have already “un-followed” you because they honestly can’t bear to read about what you’re against anymore… or maybe that’s just me?

Of course we are all against something, and it’s important to have deep convictions about the things that you value and oppose… but, a better question is… what are you for? Of course you could expand this concept beyond the political climate, but this is our focus for today. Hearing about what you are against doesn’t motivate me (or anyone else) to vote in favor of the opposing party. What ends up happening is that the enemy is being given the means and power to spread division, hatred, shame, and fear.

This is a bit tough for me to write, because I too have deep-seated personal feelings and perspectives about both of the presidential candidates. However, I have been feeling a growing conviction to begin a simple daily practice… and I think we all need this reminder:

Christians… we need to pray for our nation.

When was the last time you actually did this?

Don’t we all long to see healing and hope in our land? Don’t we long for love and unity to spread and strengthen America? Where do we find our true hope? Aren’t we still “One Nation under God?”

Use your positions of influence to share hope.

Hope is, simply, the expectation of good. The word Gospel literally means to bring or announce “good news”. If you’re not spreading good news, you’re not spreading the gospel. 

Along with spreading a greater sense of hope…choose to pray for greater self control as this election draws near. I have heard it said that “Self control is not the ability to say no to a bunch of things. It is the ability to say yes to one thing!” (Danny Silk). 

It can be hard to love those with whom we deeply disagree, but this is something we must learn to do. Check out this blog from about a year ago called “I Disagree and I Love you Deeply“.

My challenge to those who read this is to STOP sharing political propaganda, skewed media video clips, articles that demonize and criticize, memes and cartoons that make light of oppressive and evil behavior, and hate speech towards any candidate or their followers.

Share, instead… encouragement, testimonies of healing and transformation, memories of good times past, photos of the beauty of God’s creation, articles about medical breakthroughs that will change the trajectory of disease processes, quotes that inspire and positively motivate, things you are grateful for, videos and pictures of time spent enjoying family quality time, milestones of your child’s growth, prayer requests, victory stories, sermons and podcasts that preach the Gospel, public praise about co-workers or bosses, book quotes that promote character development, and prayers for family and friends- and people around our nation.

 Christians… we need to pray for our nation. We need to be hope-spreaders and people-lovers. Let’s stop the judgement, condemnation, and hate-speech, okay?

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:36-39). 
