We raised him to know the Lord.
How could he make this choice? How could she do this thing?
Confusing isn’t it? We think we have protected our kids from evil, wrong thinking, and immoral behavior because we raised them with faith and family values.
Doesn’t it seem like a guaranteed good and godly outcome is to be expected? I did my part, now God you do yours.
Why do good kids engage in, “sex, drugs, and rock and roll?”
Maybe that is the wrong question.
Do I think my tween, teen, or young adult should have a better outcome than the first two people who walked and talked with our Heavenly Father in the Garden of Eden?
Life is filled with the unexpected. The only expected things are taxes, death, and… I am going to add, sin.
Sin is to be expected. A sure thing.
Maybe the question is, “How do I respond when my child engages in sex, drugs, and rock and roll?”
It is hard and hurtful when we train up our children in the way they should go…and they go the other way. Many faithful Christ-follower parents have shared their heartache with me. And I’ve had my portion of painful parenting times. We share the feeling of deep loss and experience painful surprise. “Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought my child would…” is a line we all speak.
What do we do?
We trust God with our kid. Maybe this prodigal path is one that will eventually lead the child to the Lord. Could it be that we may also develop some positive character traits like understanding and empathy?
We follow the example from the Garden.
- We maintain a relationship with our kids.
- We continue to warn our kids regarding what to avoid.
- We talk with our kids by asking questions when they partake in the forbidden fruit. We ask rather than accuse.
- We enforce appropriate consequences.
- We protect our kids after the issue has been disclosed. (This looks different according to circumstances and people.) God removed Adam and Eve from the Garden for their own protection.
- We still sacrifice for them. (Of course what that sacrifice looks like is determined by God’s leading.) The first sacrifice clothed Adam and Eve.
- We continue to be a part of their lives. (God knew Adam and Eve’s kids.)
- We are just and merciful. We show grace and speak truth.
- We do all this with humility. Because we remember, our parents most likely felt like this about us at one time.
In the midst of the unexpected: Keep talking. Keep protecting. Keep praying. Keep loving.
Sin is in our blood. But…forgiveness is in His!
Follow the way of love.
1 Corinthians 14:1a
Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Messy-Journey-Grace-Truth-Prodigal/dp/1625915233
Websites: www.loriwildenberg.com; www.loriwildenberg.blogspot.com
Social Media: www.facebook.com/momstogether;
www.facebook.com/1Corinthians13Parenting; Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter: LoriWildenberg
Oh how true this is. Teens make so many choices they are not ready for and leave parents devastated at the outcome as well as questioning themselves as parents. Guilt, shame, and embarrassment come and then struggle what to do with that teen and the mess that was left behind. All you can do is spend time on your knees in prayer, find good counsel not just for your teen but for the parent too. Then seek good and trustworthy support from pastoral care and friends that can carry your burdens through prayer. We live in a world now that is becoming more hazardous to the family, most specifically to our tweens and teens which requires us to be more active than ever in their lives. With God’s help and wisdom, He will give us the strength to get through every heartache in the journey and bring healing back to the family.
Thank you for your encouragement and sharing, Stacey!