
In the middle of our “Teacher Self-Talk” podcast unit, former middle school teacher turned counselor, Jessica Klika, shares some tips and tricks for keeping ourselves well inside and out. As we all know, teachers can be notorious for putting off their own needs for those of others, but is this really the right thing to do in the long run? Ignoring the signs our bodies are sending us can lead to some serious health issues all around… so we’re needing to tune into the signs our bodies are sending us and regularly check in with our emotional state to keep us in the healthy lane. It’s super important that we’re regularly filling our buckets (needs): physical, emotional, and spiritual. After all, we are no good as Kingdom Educators to our students (or our educational community, at large) if we’re constantly running on empty, right?! Setting healthy boundaries, taking breaks, and utilizing restorative practices are keys to breaking free of the stress cycle that eat at our Kingdom impact, and the JOY of partnering with Jesus in our classrooms.