As I sat down and opened God’s Word this morning my heart was struck by a new perspective on love.

To be honest, my take on the word “Love” led to thoughts of mushy Hallmark cards, perfume, and girl talk.  Men respond to ‘Respect’, not love…right?  But God has a different take on love.   After Jesus shared the parable of the Vine and branches, he addresses the crowd saying, “Remain in My love.  If you keep My commands you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commands and remain in His love”  (John 15:9-10).  Why did he repeat Himself about remaining in His love?  This typically means some heavy importance is being placed on a topic.  So the question is, how do we keep His commands?  What are His commands?  (I’m thinking 10 commandments…do’s and don’ts…old testament law).  Jesus continues in verse 12: “This is My command: love one another as I have loved you.”

Wow, that’s it.

Hundreds, perhaps thousands of old testament laws simplified to this!  Well…it looks simple on paper, but how did Jesus show love to us?  He surely doesn’t sit around and talk about how much he loves us.  He doesn’t say he loves us and then goes about his busy life.  No, He TAKES ACTION by seeking the lost, healing the lame, discipling his chosen few.  And, as an ultimate act of love, He lays down His perfect and holy life for us to be set free.  He spends his life drawing near to the hearts of those around Him.  And He continues to do so with us today!  There’s nothing of Jesus’ love that is at all feminine!  Verse 11 says, “I have spoken these things to you so that My joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.”  His intention here is a great reward of joy by remaining in His love!

I desire to live out this wonderful command of love today, especially in my marriage.  What actions of love can you do today in your marriage?  No matter how much of a struggle you may be in with your spouse, if you begin to ‘bear the fruit of love’ through selfless actions (as Jesus did for you), then you will begin to feel joy.  And, I’m confident that will have a positive impact on your marriage.